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附:中国人民银行关于侨资外资金融机构在中国设立常驻代表机构的管理办法 一九八三年二月一日公布
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国国务院关于管理外国企业常驻代表机构的暂行规定》,为了加强对侨资外资金融机构在中国设立常驻代表机构的管理,特制订本办法。
第二条 侨资外资金融机构,如确有需要可申请在中国北京和经济特区设立常驻代表机构,经批准在北京设立代表机构后,如有必要,也可申请在中国其他指定城市设立派出机构。
第三条 侨资外资金融机构设在中国北京和经济特区的常驻代表机构,称“×××代表处”,保险公司可称“×××联络处”,派出机构统称“×××办事处”。
第四条 侨资外资金融机构申请在中国设立常驻代表机构及其派出机构,须报经中国人民银行审核批准。手续如下:
第五条 侨资外资金融机构在中国设立常驻代表机构及其派出机构的申请,经中国人民银行批准后,申请单位应依照中华人民共和国工商行政管理部门和公安部门的有关规定,持批准证书到所在地的工商行政管理部门和公安部门办理登记手续和居留手续。
第六条 侨资外资金融机构获准在中国设立的常驻代表机构及其派出机构,应持登记证到所在地的中国银行开立帐户,并须遵守中华人民共和国的外汇管理条例。
第七条 中国人民银行批准设立常驻代表机构及其派出机构的有效期限为三年,如要延长,须在到期之日三十天前,由常驻代表机构的代表向中国人民银行递交一份由其总管理机构董事长或总经理签署的延长驻在期申请书,经中国人民银行审核批准后,可再顺延三年。延期次数不限。

第八条 侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构及其派出机构的工作范围是:进行工作洽谈、联络、咨询、服务等非直接营利的工作,不得从事任何直接营利的业务活动。设在经济特区的常驻代表机构,只能在本经济特区范围内进行上述允许从事的非营利活动。
第九条 侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构及其派出机构的首席代表、代表均须报经中国人民银行批准后,才能就任其职务。首席代表、代表的合计人数,在北京不得超过四人,在经济特区不得超过三人,派出机构不得超过二人,如必需超过本条规定的人数,须报请中国人民银行另行
第十条 由中国外事服务单位或中国政府指定的其他单位推荐就地雇用中国境内公民者,人数不限,也无须报批,但设在北京的常驻代表机构须书面将雇用中国公民名单报中国人民银行备案。设在北京以外的派出机构和设在经济特区的常驻代表机构须书面将雇用中国公民名单报中国人
第十一条 侨资外资金融机构在北京的常驻代表机构要改变名称、更换首席代表、代表、迁移办公地址;派出机构要改变名称和更换代表;在中国经济特区的常驻代表机构要改变名称、更换首席代表,都须事先报中国人民银行批准。派出机构要迁移办公地址,须经中国人民银行的当地
第十二条 常驻代表机构的首席代表,须离职一个月以上时,应事先指定专人代行其职责,并将此项指定件,寄送中国人民银行备案。
第十三条 侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构及其派出机构的人员,在中国的一切活动和进出中国国境,都应遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例。
第十四条 中国人民银行和中国人民银行的当地分行,有权对侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构及其派出机构的工作进行监督、检查和管理。
第十五条 侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构,应于每年一月十五日前,向中国人民银行报送一份用中文或英文书写的上年工作情况的报告,报告须真实地反映本机构在中国的工作情况。设在中国北京以外的派出机构和设在经济特区的常驻代表机构,其报告应按上述要求报送中国人民
第十六条 侨资外资金融机构如要撤销在中国的常驻代表机构或派出机构,须在撤销之日三十天前,以书面通告中国人民银行,并于债务、税务和其它有关事宜清理完毕后,向原发证机关办理注销登记手续,缴销登记证,常驻代表机构和派出机构的一切未了事宜,均须由其总管理机构
第十七条 侨资外资金融机构的常驻代表机构及其派出机构和人员,凡违反本办法的,中国人民银行和中国人民银行的当地分行有权进行检查和处理。
第十八条 本管理办法自公布之日起实行。

Provisional Regulations for the Establishment of RepresentativeOffices in China by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Financial Instituti

(Issued by the People's Bank of China on February 1, 1983)

Important Notice: (注意事项)

当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

Provisional Regulations for the Establishment of Representative
Offices in China by Overseas Chinese and Foreign Financial Institutions
(Issued by the People's Bank of China on February 1, 1983)
Article 1
In accordance with the Interim Provisions of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China for the Control of Resident Representative
Offices of Foreign Enterprises, the following regulations are formulated
with a view to exercising more effective control over the establishment of
representative offices of overseas Chinese and foreign financial
institutions in the People's Republic of China.
Article 2
Any overseas Chinese or foreign financial institution, if it deems it
necessary, may apply for permission to establish a representative
office(s) in Beijing and/or in any of the special economic zones in China.
After a representative office is set up in Beijing with due approval, the
represented institution may, if necessary, secure further permission to
open a subordinate representative office(s) in other designated cities.
Article 3
Representative offices set up by overseas Chinese and foreign financial
institutions in Beijing and the special economic zones shall bear names in
immediate conjunction with the description "representative office"; Such
offices set up by overseas Chinese or foreign insurance companies shall
bear names in immediate conjunction with the description "liaison office";
Additional offices set up in other designated cities shall bear names in
immediate conjunction with the description "subordinate representative
office", or "sub-rep office" for short.

Article 4
Overseas Chinese or foreign financial institutions desiring to establish
representative offices and subordinate representative offices in China
shall apply to the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the
Bank) in conformity with the following procedure:
a) For the purpose of establishing a representative office in Beijing, the
head office of the applying institution shall address to the governor of
the Bank a letter of application duly signed by the chairman of the board
or the chief executive of the general management. The application may be
sent direct to the Bank or forwarded through a relevant Chinese financial
b) For the purpose of establishing a representative office in a special
economic zone or a subordinate representative office in other designated
cities, the head office of the applying institution shall address to the
governor of the Bank a letter of application duly signed by the chairman
of the board or the chief executive of the general management. The
application may be sent direct to the Bank or forwarded through the
provincial, municipal or autonomous regional branch of the Bank
(hereinafter referred to as PBC local branch).
c) The applying institution shall submit the following documents and
reference materials:
1. An Application Form for Overseas Chinese or Foreign Financial
Institutions Establishing Representative Offices in the People's Republic
of China, which is obtainable from the Bank, filled out by the applying
2. A photostatic copy of the charter or business licence granted by the
authorities of the country or region in which the institution operates;
3. Articles of association and by-laws, a name list of the board of
directors or a similar organization controlling the institution, the
latest balance sheet and statement of profit and loss of the applying
4. Power of attorney given to the chief representative and signed by the
chairman of the board or the chief executive of the general management;
curricula vitae of the chief representative, other representative(s),
foreign staff member(s) and employee(s) from Hongkong and Macao.
Chinese or English translations shall be submitted with the documents and
materials if they are in other languages.
The applying institution shall inform the Bank in writing of any changes
in the submitted documents and materials required in Points 2 and 3.

Article 5
The overseas Chinese or foreign financial institution, when granted
permission to establish a representative office or subordinate
representative office in China, shall in accordance with the relevant
regulations present the approval certificate to the local Administrative
Bureau for Industry and Commerce and the Public Security Bureau and go
through the formalities for registration and residence.
Article 6
Each of the approved representative offices and subordinate representative
offices of overseas Chinese and foreign financial institutions shall on
the strength of the registration certificate open an account with the Bank
of China and observe exchange control regulations of the People's Republic
of China.
Article 7
The representative offices and subordinate representative offices are
approved by the Bank for a term of three years. If an extension is
desired, the representative shall submit to the Bank thirty days before
the term expires a letter of application signed by the chairman of the
board or the chief executive of the general management. There is no limit
on the number of extensions.
Article 8
The representative offices and subordinate representative offices set up
by overseas Chinese and foreign financial institutions shall operate
within the scope of nonprofit activities such as carrying on business
negotiations, acting as liaison, providing consultancy and other services.
They shall not engage in any direct profit-making business activities.
The representative offices in a special economic zone shall only engage in
such non-profit activities as mentioned above within the confines of the
special economic zone.

Article 9
Chief representatives, other representatives, foreign staff members and
employees from Hongkong and Macao shall be approved by the Bank before
assuming their duties in China. Their total number shall not be more than
a) four in a representative office in Beijing,
b) three in a representative office in a special economic zone, and
c) two in a subordinate representative office in other designated cities.
In a particular case where more are needed than the prescribed number, an
application shall be sent to the Bank for approval.
Article 10
There is no limit on the number of local Chinese citizens that a
representative office or subordinate representative office may decide to
employ on the recommendation of the Chinese personnel or service
departments; Nor is the Bank's approval required for such employment.
However, for the purpose of record, a name list of the local Chinese
employees a) of a representative office in Beijing shall be filed with the
Bank and b) of a representative office in a special economic zone and a
subordinate representative office in other cities shall be filed with the
PBC local branch.
Article 11
Reports shall be filed with the Bank for approval in cases
a) where a representative office in Beijing desires to change its name,
address or to replace its chief representative, other representative(s),
foreign staff member(s) or employee(s) from Hongkong and Macao; or
b) where a subordinate representative office desires to change its name or
replace its representative(s), foreign staff member(s) or employe(s) from
Hongkong and Macao; or c) where a representative office in a special
economic zone desires to change its name or replace its chief
Reports shall be filed with the PBC local branch for approval in cases
a) where a representative office in a special economic zone desires to
change its address or representative(s), foreign staff member(s) or
employee(s) from Hongkong and Macao; or
b) where a subordinate representative office desires to change its
Article 12
When the chief representative of a representative office is absent from
office for a period longer than a month, someone else shall be designated
to assume responsibilities during his absence. A copy of the designation
document shall be sent to the Bank for record.

Article 13
Members of representative offices and subordinate representative offices
of overseas Chinese and foreign financial institutions must observe
Chinese laws, decrees, rules and regulations in all their activities
within China and in entering and leaving China.
Article 14
The Bank and its local branches retain the rights to supervise, regulate
and examine the work of the representative offices and subordinate
representative offices of overseas Chinese and foreign financial
Article 15
Every year before the fifteenth of January, each of the representative
offices of overseas Chinese and foreign financial institutions in Beijing
shall submit to the Bank a report in Chinese or in English giving a
faithful account of its work in China in the preceding year.
Subordinate representative offices in other cities and representative
offices in special economic zones shall file such reports with the PBC
local branches, copies of which shall be sent to the Bank for record.
Article 16
If an overseas Chinese or foreign financial institution decides to close
its representative office or subordinate representative office in China,
it shall notify the Bank in writing thirty days before the date of
closing. After paying off its debts and taxes and clearing off other
obligations, the representative office or subordinate representative
office shall go through the formalities of cancelling its registration and
turning in the certificate at the registration agency with which it has
registered. The head office of the represented institution shall be held
responsible for any obligations its representative office(s) or
subordinate representative office(s) leaves unsettled.
Article 17
The Bank and its local branches exercise the rights of examination and
penalty in case of violation of these regulations by any representative
offices, subordinate representative offices or their members.
Article 18
The "Provisional Regulations" comes into force on the date of issue.







贵州省人民政府公报 2006年第9期 省政府办公厅文件




第一条 为了实施海关对来往香港、澳门小型船舶(以下简称小型船舶)及所载货物的监管,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和其他有关法律、法规,制定本办法。
第二条 小型船舶经营企业应当按照本办法办理海关登记备案手续。
第三条 小型船舶登记备案按照属地原则进行。小型船舶经营企业应当到所在地主管海关办理有关手续。
第四条 小型船舶办理登记备案时,由船舶经营企业提出书面申请,向海关递交《来往港澳小型船舶登记备案表》、船舶正、两侧面彩色照片各三张和下列文件(副本或者复印件):
第五条 小型船舶的船体内不得设置暗格、夹层等藏匿物品的场所。不符合海关监管要求的小型船舶,海关不予办理登记备案。
第六条 对符合条件的,由海关核发《来往港澳小型船舶登记备案证书》(简称《备案证书》)、《来往港澳小型船舶进出境(港)海关监管簿》(以下简称《海关监管簿》)。
第七条 小型船舶如需到其他关区管辖的港口装卸进出境货物,船舶经营企业应当凭交通主管部门的批准文件和原注册海关的批准文件到有关海关办理异地备案手续。
第八条 小型船舶未经海关登记备案的,不得从事进出境运输业务。
第九条 小型船舶的经营企业应当在每年3月31日前向原登记备案海关提交下列文件,办理年审手续:
第十条 小型船舶经营企业在海关登记备案的船舶名称、经营航线、法定代表人、地址、企业性质等内容变更的,应当持书面申请到原登记备案海关和异地备案海关办理变更手续。
第十一条 小型船舶违反本办法的,由海关处3万元以下罚款。
第十二条 本办法由海关总署负责解释。
第十三条 本办法自1998年11月1日起实施。